February 15, 2021
presented by Goethe-Institut Brüssel & Meakusma
RVDS is Richard von der Schulenburg who has been a resident DJ at the Golden Pudel club in Hamburg since 2005 and produces and deejays house, ambient and techno under the RVDS moniker and disco under his Riccardi SCHOLA alias. He releases on his own It’s record label as well as on Smallville. His Moods & Dances 2021 album, released on Bureau B, is a passionate musical intergalactic trip that is playful, poetic and enigmatic, the perfect soundtrack to a rediscovered summer. It is this album he will be presenting live.
Ralf Köster, a.k.a. Ruftata110, works as a booker and DJ at the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg where he runs the legendary M.F.O.C. (Musik Fetischisten Ohren Charakter) night. The Golden Pudel Club has been a major breeding ground for local Hamburg-based talent, next to attracting an enormous roster of artists from abroad. It is a space where experiment and an open mind are encouraged. Köster embodies this spirit in all he does with his DJ-sets ample proof of his open-ended and eclectic perspective.
The Modular Organ System, an installation developed by Phillip Sollmann (Efdemin) and Konrad Sprenger will be on show for five days with a talk about the project with Jerôme Giersé of Bozar and Phillipp Sollmann at 4 PM on June 26th as well. Sollmann and Sprenger developed the computer-controller pipe organ in 2017. They will now present a new collaboration with visual artist Nico Ihlein who has developed several pipe resonators in ceramics and papier-maché.