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arkoada x meakusma

Back at Arkaoda in Berlin on November 26th. Live sets by Dip Friso, Ectoplasm Girls, Jake Muir and Guy Lee. DJ action by Sensu and the Meakusma Soundsystem.
From Glasgow, Dip Friso, founder of the Real Landscape label Murray Collier, cuts up dub, hiphop and vibes of introspection and bewilderment. His music is incredibly rich in ideas and influences, unafraid to be bold, outspoken, deeply and substantially absurdist and pointillistic and referential. Flux and contemplative stasis in one, Dip Friso makes good on musical promises unheard and unchartered. Ectoplasm Girls are Nadine and Tanya Byrne from Sweden. They produce some of the most appealing and direct noise and experimental music around, managing an almost accessible and immediate stance on music supposedly difficult and outlandish. Jake Muir is a sound artist and field recordist originally from Los Angeles who focuses on found sounds, whether vinyl loops, radio snippets or environmental recordings. Entranced by the understated Illbient genre, Muir’s music delves into cavernous options hitherto unexplored. Guy Lee is Guy Gormley, whose solo and collaborative work under the RAP, Special Occasion and Never guises defines the musical sphere of his Jolly Discs record label. Using field recordings, ambient sketches and beats, Gormley infuses club music with a provocative and evermore idiosyncratic stance.
DJ action before, in-between and after by Sensu and the Meakusma Soundsystem.


Dip Friso (Real Landscape)
    • Ectoplasm Girls (iDEAL)
    • Jake Muir (Sferic, Ilian Tape)
    • Guy Lee (Jolly Discs, Enchante)
    • Sensu (Youth, meakusma)
    • Meakusma Soundsystem


Ostbelgien Province-de-Liege

arkoada x meakusma

This coming weekend, in Berlin, don’t miss out on Meakusma x Arkaoda.
From November 12th till 14th, together with the great Arkaoda club in Berlin, we have set up a genuine three-nighter, featuring live performances and DJ-sets by Julia Reidy, Spivak, Thomas Bush, Laila Sakini, Bassae, Pretty Sneaky, Arthur, Gazza, Malvern Brume, TIBLSC, ML, Edition D’Art, 2 Morph, Sensu, Fog Puma, Iris, Yeahlena, Ugne Uma and Meakusma DJs. Two years ago, Arkaoda invited us to do a Meakusma night, we are thrilled to now go back.
From Julia Reidy’s music for processed and acoustic instruments, conjuring up non-traditional song forms which combine unstable harmonic territories, rhythmic elasticity and abstract narrative over-stretched, episodic forms, to Spivak, whose work is a play on the nuances and poetics of pop, her live performances jumping from intimate sonic liturgies to bursts of energetic and often deconstructed 90s inspired techno, to Thomas Bush who produces impressionist and experimental work full of distanced reflection and heartfelt alienation, to Laila Sakini’s work full of emotional breadth and ennui using a modest palette of piano, electronics and voice, to Pretty Sneaky who fuses dub basslines and dub aesthetics with free jazz-dynamics and who recently released on EP on Meakusma, to Malvern Brume whose experimental sound pieces move in an idiom all his own, to TIBSLC’s hazily ambiguous yet meticulously detailed sounds, hypersensitive to fleeting midnight moods, and many more. The full three days at Arkaoda will showcase some of the very unique talents at work in contemporary and electronic music.


Ostbelgien Province-de-Liege

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