Various Artists
-rüts 2/3
Another record, well infact a series that has had very little press is the excellent meakusma rüts series which features a number of very good Techno tracks from a variety of producers ranging from Terrence Dixon, Peter Van Hoesen & Move D & Benjaminn Brunn to more new & unheard of artists such as Morthern Kiang, Rezkar, Roger 23 & more, its the lesser known record, “Dubfunk” from Morthern Kiang that I found most exciting. “Dubfunk” is a percussive gem of a techno record and reminds me a great deal of STL with the great melodies and attention to detail. Don’t let this one pass you by if you like your techno pure but with a little soul & plenty of rhythm.
Highly recommended.
I have to admit I like all 4 of the tracks on this second Ruts release. Morthern Kiang surfs the line between deep, Detroit house and techno with great skill and a healthy dollop of groove, whilst Rezkar’s track is a purely excellent tune with hints of B12 to the chords but a more (early evening) dancefloor friendly rhythm section. Flip for Valyom who delivers an expansive electro piece with intense textures (in fact, take away the beats and you’d almost be listening to a mutant drone/noise piece!) and finishing up is Roger 23 with a completely off the wall sounds design work with dense soundscapes and oddball noises. A well-rounded package indeed.
The heads at meakusma pull together another smart compilations of techno variants for their rüts series with some dense and atmospheric techno oddness. Morthen Kiang’s “Dubfunk050” is an intriguing oddity featuring a a deeply buried house rhythm, swamped into dub delays and bristling with energy, while S.A house head Rezkar’s “Vivid” is the series most straight forward track with a lush Neo Detroit house track. Valyom’s “Mermaids” heads back into more abstract territory with a deeply filtered and synth washed techno track, while Ampoule’s Roger 23 is a darker variation on the infinite dub-duction of Basic Channel with a dystopian and meaner edged ambient track on “No Movement In A Cycle”.
2nd in a series of EPs with deeper house & techno tunes – Recommended!
Sehr feine, vielseitige Tracks am Rande von Detroit. Eine EP wie schon die Erste, die sich gar nicht um den Dancefloor schert, der zur Zeit so angesagt scheint, sondern völlig eigenstädige Entwürfe zeigt. Dubfunk 050 von Morthen Kiang aus Belgien zb, dessen Beats ungewöhnlich auf dem Groove liegen und der mit breit grinsenden Strings und Rhodes an die Zeiten erinnert, als Carl Craig auf Mo Wax nicht ungewöhnlich war. Rezkar säuselt mit einem Stück, das irgendwie an Black Dog und andere UK-Detroiter erinnert, Valyom stürzt sich in die Vollen und zieht aus der Tiefe eines fast industriellen Sounds dennoch perfekte Killerharmonien, und der geräuschigere Track von Roger 23 macht die Platte dann endgültig zu einer völlig rasanten Fahrt quer durch die brachliegenden Gebiete von Dub, Detroit und Tracks, die so dicht wie ein Stück Neuland sind.