September 15, 2020
Past Events

Kino Corso
Bahnhofstraße 14
4780 St. Vith
Bahnhofstraße 14
4780 St. Vith
Doors open: 20.00
Free Entrance
Free Entrance
Screening: Give Guitars To People
presented by ArsVitha & meakusma
On Friday September 25th, we will be screening Give Guitars To People, a performance by Jochen Arbeit and NATÜRLICH in the shape of a Kinetrix visual experience devised by Patricia Bateira at the Kino Corso in St.Vith.Give Guitars To People delves into isolated experiences of sound with sound modules being autonomous and independent. A purposeful distance between the musicians creates an idiomatic and unique acoustic sound experience. Theirs is a meta-improvisation, opening up the infinite abilities of their instrument as a rhythmic and melodic element. With counterpoint and dissonance, a diverse array of colors, dynamics, progressions and intentions is unearthed and abstracted at the same time.
The visuals by interdisciplinary artist Patrícia Bateira create space for time. A digital rainbow merges like an electric wave during the musicians’ performance. Waves have a pulse and a life of their own. With a psychedelic but intrinsic natural feel, a transgressive and inclusive flair, the visual routine enables a sense of visual recognition and abstraction, simultaneously bridging the interconnectivity between Queer value and cathartic resonance.
The screening of Give Guitars To People is a collaborative effort by Meakusma and arsVitha.
Entrance to the screening is free.
It can also be seen live through the Meakusma website.
(deutsche Version)
Am Freitag, den 25. September, zeigen wir im Kino Corso Sankt Vith das Projekt Give Guitars To People, eine Performance von Jochen Arbeit und NATÜRLICH in Form eines visuellen Kinetrix-Erlebnisses, das Patricia Bateira entwickelt hat.
Give Guitars To People steigert die pure Energie der elektronischen Gitarren von NATürlich und Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten)in eine neu entdeckte Musikkategorie: die meta-idiomatische Improvisation. Es eröffnet die unendlichen Fähigkeiten des Instruments als rhythmisches, melodisches Element mit Kontrapunkten und Dissonanzen, in denen man ein vielfältiges Spektrum an Farben, Dynamiken, Fortschritten und Absichten findet.
Die Bilder der interdisziplinären Künstlerin Patrícia Bateira schaffen Raum für Zeit und laden neben der visuellen Stimulation auch zum Eintauchen in die Musik ein. Elektrische Wellen geben den Visuals einen Puls, ein Eigenleben und entwickeln einen psychedelischen Sog.
Das Screening von Give Guitars To People ist eine gemeinsames Projekt von Meakusma und arsVitha.
Der Eintritt zum Screening ist frei.
Es kann auch live über gesehen werden.
Which had its roots in Punk-Rock and Dada. In 1983 he became a member of the influencal Instrumental-Band DIE HAUT, with whom he started touring in Europe and overseas. The band produced records in the USA with fellow likeminded Artisits as Singers. The band always wore suits on stage.
In 1997 he became an official member of the Avantgarde Noise Band EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN, which he met in the earliey eighties.
Other projects were a Berlin style country band THE JEVER MOUNTAIN BOYS, the soul crooner of the band MARTIN DEAN, the melancholic seriousness of painter Martin Eder with his band RICHARD RUIN and the tiki and latino influenced project LATIN LOVERS with Yoyo Röhm.
Since 2006 he is part of the Art Project STUPID GREEN with dancer/performance artist Vania Rovisco and light artist Asa Frankenberg.
Initiated in 2007 by Patrícia Bateira to compose sound atmospheres for films and videos, NATürlich is a self-taught guitarist and a non-binary artistic entity based on the desire to revisit an old self, the girl that wanted to be boy, a person and a music project dedicated to the decolonization of subjectivity and the deconstruction of the concept of norm. NATürlich’s work derives exclusively from improvisation and since 2017, with a focus on new music. Launched the album The Look Of Silence with Jochen Arbeit and Vítor Rua recently on British label ReR Megacorp.