Pierre Berthet
Born in 1958, lives in Liège, Belgium
Designs and builds sound objects and installations (steel, plastic, water, magnetic fields,…). Presents them in exhibitions and solo performances since 1988 mostly in Holland, Germany, France and Belgium. Main exhibitions of the last years: 2011: Lydgalleriet, Bergen ,Norway: “extended loudspeakers” Soundseing III, Westphal, Germany: 3 installations and 2 performances
Multiple variations of the installation “extended drops” created in 2010 in a disused water tower in Berlin (Singuhr Hoergallerie), then realized in a more digitalized version in Maastricht (stichting Intro), in Kortrijk, festival Klinkende stad (Belgium), Archéoforum, Liège
Since 2004, on a river in Nerpelt (Belgium) “Houses of sounds” are part of a permanent collection of sound installations (Klanken bos). Since 2000, multiple variations of “extended loudspeakers” who traveled to Japan in 2003 (Gallerie Surge), were showed in parcs and forest (Château de Barbirey, France) and begijnof (Hasselt, Belgium). More details, descriptions, drawings, photos, videos and sound examples on www.pierre.berthet.be
Since march 2010, plays regulary “Galileo”, a performance for 5 sounding pendulums by Tom johnson ( Amsterdam, Metz, Brussels, Paris , Montpellier, Liège, Gravenhorst, Lausanne)
Studied percussion with André Van Belle and Georges-Elie Octors. Improvisation with Garrett List. Composition with Frederic Rzewski. Music theory with Henri Pousseur.
Played percussion in Arnold Dreyblatt’s “Orchestra of excited strings” (C.D. “Animal magnetism”, label Tzadik ; C.D. “The sound of one string”, label Table of the elements).